Cheek Fillers

Boost cheek volume to achieve a more youthful appearance.

Cheek Fillers in Surrey

Our clinic in Weybridge specialises in bespoke cheek filler treatments administered by our leading aesthetic doctors. Utilising Juvéderm and Teoxane, renowned brands recognised for their superior filler quality.

Cheek Filler Enhancement

When facial volume loss affects the cheek area, the result can be a tired or drawn looking face. Through the process of ageing, the natural fat pads beneath the skin lose tissue density.

As leaders in cheek fillers in Surrey, we specialise in creating a natural and refreshed look – following the individuals anatomy to produce beautiful enhancements. Our cheek filler treatment can help to enhance a youthful appearance by boosting volume in the cheeks while maintaining a completely natural appearance.

Cheek filler treatment is popular for both men and women and offers an alternative to more invasive surgical options. We only use well-known fillers for our injectables from the leading brands Juvéderm and Teoxane.

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Treatment Time

30 mins – 60 mins





Expected Results

Enhanced definition of the mid-face area



9-12 months.

Cheek fillers
Dermal Fillers
Light Touch Clinic

Cheek Fillers

The Benefits

Cheek filler can be administered just beneath the skin, directly to the desired area of the cheek. We can fill the mid part of the cheek (the apple) all the way through to creating enhancements around the cheekbone area.

Improving facial definition can be enhanced by the concentration of Hyaluronic acid that is contained within the fillers’ formulation. This substance helps to improve the skin’s hydration, which works with the volumising properties to create a smooth texture to the skin and a softer appearance to any wrinkles.

Our expert aesthetic doctors work with you to develop an entirely bespoke treatment that maximises results for you and exceeds your expectations. As a minimally invasive treatment, cheek fillers offer 9-12 months of enhancement without the need for surgery.

• Safe & minimally invasive
• Boost the volume of the cheeks
• Long-lasting
• Instant results
• Naturally enhancing

Before & After – Cheek Fillers

Cheek fillersCheek fillers

Cheek Fillers We Use


Juvéderm uses patented technology that allows cheek fillers to blend with tissue beneath the skin and achieve a completely natural-looking result. Our aesthetic doctors administer Juvéderm fillers in a completely bespoke treatment to achieve your desired results.


Teoxane facial fillers are excellent for bringing a naturally enhanced boost to your appearance. Formulated with hyaluronic acid, it can help to address a variety of concerns from fine lines to deep folds and wrinkles. Our Teoxane treatment is entirely bespoke to maximise results for you.

Book A Consultation

Complete the form and we’ll be in contact with you to book your cheek filler consultation.

Cheek Fillers – Frequently Asked Questions

Cheek filler treatment can benefit those who are unhappy with the look that facial volume loss, facial wrinkles, flattened cheeks, sagging skin and creases around the nose and mouth have created. A thorough assessment of the face and the presenting conditions can help the team at Light Touch Clinic determine if this treatment is suitable for you.

Teoxane and Juvederm are reputable brands that are FDA-approved and produce safe, effective results. Cheek fillers are very safe when they are administered by trained and skilled professionals.

Light Touch Clinic ensures all their practitioners are appropriately qualified and trained, updating their knowledge and skills regularly, in order to keep up-to-date with all the latest technologies and techniques.

There may be some slight discomfort felt from having cheek fillers, as the cannula penetrates the skin. The cannula used is very fine and is a proven method of application that is designed to reduce the overall amount of discomfort that this type of procedure can produce. If the patient wishes, a numbing cream can be applied to the skin, prior to treatment.

Cheek fillers act to replace the volume that has been lost in the midface area due to the internal processes of ageing. As well as fuller-looking cheeks, this type of filler can be used to fill in the hollows around the eyes (tear troughs) and take the weight away from a heavy jawline.

Cheek filler injections can produce a temporary rejuvenated, youthful look to the face and are designed to degrade. A top-up may be required after 9 or 12 months.

The treatment site may look red, swollen or bruised immediately following the procedure. This will often subside within a few hours. Any bruising can be covered using make-up, as this may take a few days to disappear. More serious complications are rare. These will be explained to you during your pre-treatment consultation.