About Ageing Hands
Just as the rest of our bodies age, so do the hands, in fact, our hands are one of the first places on the body where ageing becomes visible. The ageing process causes the skin to lose collagen and elastin – the substances that help the skin retain its youthful volume and ability to bounce back. As the backs of the hands naturally have thinner skin, compared to other areas of the body, this process has a more noticeable effect.
Our hands often have a high exposure to the sun which can speed up the rate at which ageing skin develops due to the UV light breaking down collagen and elastin.
Another big factor contributing to hand ageing is frequent washing and exposure to the many products that we use on a daily basis. The skin on the hands naturally contains less oil and less sebaceous glands, so by stripping the skin of these essential oils contributes further to the skin prematurely ageing.
Applying moisturising creams on a daily basis as well as a suitable SPF can help to keep the skin soft and supple and protected from the sun’s harmful rays. At Light Touch Clinic we also provide specialist treatment to help rejuvenate the skin on your hands. Book a consultation with one of our skincare experts to discuss the best treatment for you.

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